What do I Need to Survive in the Wilderness?

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What do I need to survive in the wilderness?

  • Water and Food
  • Blanket
  • Tent
  • Firestarter
  • Multi-tool
  • Saber card
  • Tactical flashlight
  • First Aid Kit
  • Tactical Knife
  • Map and compass
  • Survival tools such as pliers, whistle, wire saws, paracords, etc
  • Communication gadget

Important Items That a Wilderness Survival Kit Should Have

  • Make sure that you have enough water supply and water purification tablets in case you run out of clean drinking water.
  • While you don’t need a lot of food in a survival situation, make sure you have something to keep you going for 3 days
  • An emergency blanket and tent are pretty much all you need to stay warm especially at night.
  • Firestarter. One of the most important things you can do when stuck in the wilderness is start up a fire. A good fire will keep you warm, help cook food, and boil water as well as scare away wild animals and insects.
  • Being able to see during the night is very important especially when you are out in the wilderness. Ensure that there is a tactical flashlight in your survival kit.
  • Fully equipped first aid kit. At the very least, the first aid kit should have antibiotics, pads, bandages and gauzes, alcohol wipes, medical tape, tweezers, tourniquet, and prescription medicine.
  • Every wilderness survival kit should have a high-quality knife. Other than being used as a defense tool, a knife come in handy in multiple situations. You can use the knife to use start fire, build shelter, cut things, dig holes, split wood and prepare food.
  • Basic survival tools such as pliers, can/bottle openers, wire saw, and whistles among others.


Best Wilderness Survival Kit-Our Top Picks

A wilderness survival kit is an important item to carry when you want to go into the wilderness. If a survival situation catches you off guard, you’ll be able to stay safe until you can get to a safer place or help arrives.

The best wilderness survival kit will help you achieve the best outcome in an emergency situation where every second counts.

When choosing the best kit for wilderness survival, ensure that it has all the important tools and supplies. It should have a combination of medical supplies, food, and water as well as tactical survival tools such as knives, flashlights, and fire starters.

Here are some of the best wilderness survival kits to choose from.


Ready America Emergency Kit

Ready America Emergency Kit


Hand-assembled in the USA, Ready America Emergency Kit has everything you’ll need to get through an emergency situation swiftly. All the food and water supplies inside this kit have a 5-year shelf life and are supposed to nourish each and every person for at least 72hours.

Each individual component is packed in a waterproof bag and neatly arranged in the spacious backpack for easy access. The backpack is durable and ruggedly made to hold all these items safely and be able to withstand the harshest environment.

In addition, it is lightweight and easy to carry, making it suitable for multiple outdoor adventures such as camping, hiking, backpacking, and hunting.

Key Features

  • Lightweight and portable backpack.
  • Remarkably affordable.
  • Multi-purpose application. Suitable for camping, hiking, backpacking, and hunting.
  • Durable and rugged backpack.
  • 72 hours food and water supplies.
  • Waterproof bag for storing individual components.
  • 5-year shelf-life food and water supply.


Redfora Complete Emergency Bag

Redfora Complete Emergency Bag


While it’s difficult to predict when the next disaster or emergency will happen, it is always important to stay prepared. Redfora Emergency bag contains everything you need to stay safe in a wilderness survival situation.

This kit packs all medical supplies in a compact and lightweight backpack that’s highly portable. Other than that, this kit also contains essential food and water supplies with a 5-year shelf life. It also has shelter items to keep you warm as well as a hygiene kit to keep your body clean.


  • Lightweight and portable backpack.
  • First aid kit.
  • Food, water, and shelter.
  • Color-coded organization.
  • Remarkably affordable.
  • 72-hour wilderness survival kit.


Sustain Supply Premium Emergency Survival Kit

Sustain Supply Premium Emergency Survival Kit


This premium emergency survival kit ensures that you have enough water, food, and medical supplies whenever you get caught in an emergency situation. Suitable for various outdoor adventures, this kit also serves well when it comes to wilderness survival.

It is packed with food and clean water supplies enough to last 2-4 people for about 3 days. Additionally, the kit features a first aid kit for treating minor cuts and injuries. The survival tools included are durably made to guarantee effective performance.


  • Well-equipped first aid kit.
  • 72-hour food and water sustainability.
  • High-quality and durable survival tools.
  • Warmth and shelter gear.
  • Durable and very spacious backpack.


FOREGO Ultimate Adventure & Survival Backpack

FOREGO Ultimate Adventure & Survival Backpack


The FOREGO survival backpack contains every tool needed to pull through a wilderness survival situation. Every outdoor enthusiast will benefit from this kit whether they are hiking, hunting, camping, or trailing in the wilderness.

The large backpack design ensures that all the tools are neatly arranged for easy access. Other than being lightweight, the bag is also waterproof and tear-resistant.  You can trust it to provide rugged performance under extremely harsh environments.


  • Ultimate survival and outdoors adventure bag
  • Water-resistant and tear-proof
  • First aid kit
  • Survival tools such as a multi-tool, knife, measuring tool, fire starter, wire saw, spork, tactical pen, carabiner
  • Fishing kit
  • LED flashlight
  • Compass
  • Whistle
  • Emergency blanket and water bottle clip
  • Radio & flashlight combo




Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Wilderness Survival Kit

First Aid Supplies

You’ll need a survival kit with first aid supplies that are specific to your outdoor activities. Buy a complete first aid kit with essentials such as bandages, wraps, ointments, and more. It should have everything needed to treat cuts, scrapes, and other minor injuries.

Water and Food Supplies

You shouldn’t expect to find clean drinking water in the wilderness. Make sure that the survival kit offers adequate food and water supplies that can last for at least 72 hours. That way, you’ll stay hydrated and nourished before you get to a safer place or help arrives. You can also bring some water purification tablets or a filtration device.


Make sure that the wilderness survival kit you choose comes with a waterproof storage box. You will be exposed to different weather elements when stuck out there in the wilderness. With a waterproof backpack or storage box, your survival tools are kept safe from water damage.

Storage space

Wilderness survival kits come in different sizes which affect the storage organization of the tools. It is important to check on the number of pockets and storage space provided by buying a survival kit. Some kits are spacious and have their tools neatly organized for easy identification. Other smaller-sized kits don’t provide that luxury. If you are getting a backpack kit, ensure that it has numerous pockets and storage compartments.

Size and Weight

Make sure that you choose a wilderness survival kit that’s as lightweight as possible. Other than that, the kit should also be able to provide you with the necessary survival gear needed during any emergency situation. Having in mind that you will be carrying other wilderness gear, having a survival kit that’s lightweight and occupies minimal space is important especially if you have to carry it for extensive hours. With size, go for a medium-sized backpack that’s easy to grab on the go and convenient to carry everywhere you go. Such as backpack is also easy to transport as it occupies minimal space.

Top-quality Materials

Look for a wilderness survival kit whose survival tools and other components are made of high-quality materials. This is important to ensure rugged reliability in the roughest outdoor conditions. Additionally, the case should be durable, waterproof, and shockproof. This ensures that all internal components are kept safe from water and impact damage.

Do Wilderness Survival Kits Expire?

While the survival tools require regular maintenance and upgrading, food, water and first aid kits do expire. In most cases, food and water supplies have a shelf life of 3-5 years and you will be required to replace them after that period is over. Also, check on the first aid kit content after every 6 months to ascertain that the medical supplies are in good shape.

Which is the Best Wilderness Survival Kit to Buy?

The best wilderness survival kit is one that meets different survival needs. Buy a kit that fits your type of adventure. The kit should also be lightweight and easy to carry for extended periods of time.

What are the Top Survival Items in a Wilderness Survival Kit?

The most important items you’ll need in a wilderness survival situation are a complete first aid kit, flashlight, tactical knife, fire starter, whistle, emergency blanket, food and water supplies, rain jacket, sewing kit, and a signaling mirror.

Final Thoughts

Every outdoor enthusiast that engages in outdoor activities which place them in the wilderness requires a wilderness survival kit. Other than providing food and water supplies, these kits also provide tools for survival and first aid kits for treating minor cuts and bruises.

While all the kits listed above are quality products, take time and evaluate the different contents found in each kit, then choose one that will help you enjoy your time in the wilderness.

We hope we have comprehensively answered the What do I Need to Survive in the Wilderness? question for you.