What are the Best 44 Magnum reloading dies? Read on to discover.
To prevent jams and crappy performance when reloading 44 Magnum, any gun owner who produces their own ammunition should take time and invest in a good set of quality reloading dies.
A good set of dies is worth investing in as it is crucial not only for your safety but also for accurate and effective bullet production.
Different brands manufacture different sets of reloading dies for different customers. For this reason, it might actually be amazing when you think about the small difference that exists in these reloading dies.
Below, we have compiled some of the best 44 Magnum reloading dies
Best 44 Magnum Reloading Dies-Our Top Picks
RCBS .44 Magnum/.44 SPL 3-Die Steel SetCheck Best Price
This is a group B reloading die made with the highest quality materials which make it last for years. As one of the best 44 Magnum reloading dies, the set is an ideal die specially designed to be used for hunting activities. These dies are made of quality materials that require no lubrication. This indicates that its surfaces are frictionless for enhanced productivity. This die is capable of retaining its sharpness and strength even after being fired under high pressure and no chemical can affect its surface since it is corrosion-resistant. The built-in crimper in the seating dies crimps the bullet to its desired shape while the expanding die helps funnel the powder in the resized case. The RCBS .44 Magnum die set is designed with all the desired traits required for effective results. Features
Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die SetCheck Best Price
Are you looking for accurate ammunition dies which will enable you to finish your task effectively with your .44 magnum rifle? If yes, you must go with the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set, which features dies with the perfect structure and other quality features that will make you choose it over others. The precision of each dies results in accurate reloading of rifles while its set includes carbide full-length sizing die, bullet seating die, expanding die, universal shell holder, powder dipper, and load data as well. Its carbide body construction protects its surface from chemical contact enhancing its durability. This body is also rust-resistant which means that you do not have to lubricate your products. The powder through expanding die features an expanded case mouth which enables you to view the position of the bullet and inhibit shaving of the lead. Features
Lyman Carbide 3 Die Set
The Lyman Carbide 3 Die Set features a two-step neck expanding m die for proper bullet alignment. It features a smooth surface which means that friction doesn’t become a hindrance to its precision. Its carbide body construction protects its surface from chemical contact enhancing its durability. This body is also rust-resistant which means that you do not have to lubricate it. It also includes a tungsten carbide sizing die with a one-piece hardened decapping rod that you can easily move up and down without getting worried about the inner surfaces which feature a polished surface. A bullet seating die roll crimps the bullet accurately and securely. This die set also includes bullet sating screws for semi-wadcutter and round nose. Features
RCBS Seater Die .44 Mag
With over 75 years of reloading history, RCBS brand manufactures precision reloading equipment of high quality which lasts for decades and RCBS Seater Die is no exemption. It is made of the highest quality materials which make it stand out. Its smooth surface ensures friction does cause any hindrance to precision. These dies are internally vented to avoid damaging the case during resizing while its top is knurled in order to facilitate simple changes. If you are doing a large volume of reloading or planning on doing heavy tasks, you should go for this reloading die set. Features
Redding Reloading 44 Spec
This is 3- Die Set is available for both pistol and rifle cartridges. The pistol set comes featuring a full-length sizing die, expander dies, and bullet seating dies while the rifle set comes packaged with a full-length sizing die, bullet seating die, and a neck sizing die. The full-length sizing die has a decapping rod assembly with a neck expander. A built-in crimper in the seating dies crimps the bullet securely in the exact position which enables it to endure high pressure. This ensures that even the bullets which don’t have cannelure can be shit correctly due to the accuracy maintained by the in-built crimper. This means that you don’t have to buy another crimping die. With all these features, you are assured of the production of consistent and reliable ammunition year in and year out. Features
Factors to Consider when Searching for Best 44 Magnum Reloading Dies
In order to identify the god from the bad, below are some of the important factors you need to check out in order to identify the best reloading die for your needs.
The material of the dies-It is important to look at what material is used in making the dies, especially the sizing dies. Usually, carbide is the best material to get followed by steel.
Full sizing dies are commonly made of carbide material which is rust-resistant as well as resistant to chemical attack. Rust-resistant dies to require no lubrication, therefore, saving you money.
You also save time from having to clean the brass each time you are done sizing. Steel material is also sturdy enhancing durability. On matters of budget, carbide dies are more expensive than hardened steel dies. However, steel dies to tend to wear out much faster although they can be almost half the price compared with their carbide counterparts.
3-die set or 4-die set-This is a popular question among those new in reloading or those intending to begin reloading. The 4th die of Lee’s separates the function of seating and crimping the bullet.
The 4-die set is ideal for those reloaders who like to be specific in the reloading process and all they want is absolute accuracy. However, most people have been using the 3-die set for many years and they have turned out to be just fine.
Type of die-Before you make your purchase, you will be required to figure out which kind of die will work best for your rifle. As there are different types of dies available on the market, you are supposed to go for those which will kind of ammo that you want to reload.
Using the wrong die will result in a disappointing outcome. Therefore knowing the right dies to use helps with your reloading skills and also saves you from the trouble that might be brought about by the use of the wrong dies.
Brand Value-Different brands specialize in making reloading dies. Well-known brands tend to the different needs of their customers by creating a bubble of trust and manufacturing quality dies that last for many years.
Therefore, if you are new to this and you want a good experience with the product you purchase, please stick with a renowned brand. Even if it requires you to spend a lot of money, you will have peace of mind knowing that you bought a quality product that will offer you value for your money.
Types of Reloading Dies
- Resizing/Depriming Dies.
A resizing/depriming die is the most important die you require since you cannot start working without it. Normally, these dies are crafted from high-quality materials such as steel or carbide. This shape of die resembles that of your chosen caliber and it sizes the spent caliber back to its correct form. This die comes with a decapping pin which pushes the old primer out while resizing.
- Case trimming die.
This is an optional die added to the set for those looking for additional choices. During reloading, the brass causes the case to stretch and elongate. At such a point, you are required to trim the brass at one end in order to bring its length back to the specified size. A trimming die comes in handy in such a situation and allows you to resize your cases quickly, naturally, and effectively.
- Powder through expanding die.
This is another optional die that isn’t necessary for single-stage press users but important in automatic presses. This die is traditionally found in progressive presses where it helps funnel the powder into the resized case.
- Bullet seating die.
This is an important part of any reloading press whose function and operation is quite easy. It comes with a floating element at its bottom which holds the cartridge to provide support. Its primary function is to align the bullet before the final stroke to put in the case.
- Factory Crimp Die.
The final die in a 3-die set is the factory crimp die. This die isn’t found in a 2-die set therefore if you choose to stick with the 2-die set, you might be required to purchase it separately.
It crimps the neck of the case protecting the integrity of the bullet by obstructing any further push. Crimping is the final step when reloading pistol bullets although it isn’t mandatory when reloading rifle bullets. This die comes in a thin structure that tightens as a case is inserted.
Best 44 Magnum Reloading Dies FAQs
- Which reloading dies are ideal for me?
This depends on the type of rounds you are working with. In most situations, you will require at least a resizing/depriming die and a bullet seating die. In other cases, you will need the factory crimp die.
- 3-die set or 4-die set?
This is a popular question among those new to reloading or those intending to begin reloading. The 4th die of Lee’s separates the function of seating and crimping the bullet. The 4-die set is ideal for those reloaders who like to be specific in the reloading process and all they want is absolute accuracy. However, most people have been using the 3-die set for many years and they have turned out to be just fine.
- Are 44 magnum brass-trimmed?
Yes, they are trimmed. In most 44 magnum dies the brass gets longer like other rifle cases hence the need to trim them and restore them back to their specified size.
Best 44 Magnum Reloading Dies Advantages
- Saves on cost since reloading is less expensive compared to buying ammo.
- Quality construction guarantees durability.
A reliable die set is an essential item for a smooth reloading process. In order to enjoy your reloading activity, having the right die set isn’t the only thing required of you.
You are required to learn and know how to size the cases correctly, seat the bullets, and properly crimp the brass as well.
It is our hope that this article has shed some light on matters regarding the best 44 Magnum reloading dies and you can now get the best die to kick-start your reloading process right away.