Apocalypse Survival Kit List.

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What Should You Have in an Apocalypse? Read on as comprehensively look at an Apocalypse Survival Kit List.

Being prepared for apocalyptic situations means having your apocalypse survival kit in place. Doing so hurts no one but instead helps you navigate an emergency or disaster situation with ease when it occurs. You’ll need to have your survival kit stocked up with essential items such as water, food, and fire starters.

Apocalypse Survival Kit List

  1. Tactical Knife

No one knows what will happen after a disaster strikes, but you will always find a tactical knife handy. You can use the knife as a self-defense weapon, making shelter, cutting ropes and firewood, or skin an animal.

  1. First Aid Kit

Getting injured during a survival situation escalates the problem from bad to worse. However, with a fully equipped first aid kit in place, you can treat your wounds/burns and dress them to prevent further infection.

  1. Shelter and Clothing

You don’t know what type of weather condition you’ll have to deal with, but having a decent amount of warm clothing and blankets will keep you warm in case the weather will be snowy or rainy. Additionally, you’ll need a pair of sensible footwear that will keep you moving forward regardless of the type of terrain that you have to deal with. With shelter, an easy-to-set-up tent will keep you safe and dry at night. You will also need a sleeping bag to rest on.

  1. Emergency Water Filters

Chances are that you will have minimal access to clean drinking water in the event of an apocalypse situation. Having water filters means you can purify water from different sources and stay hydrated while on the move.

  1. Food

Just like water, it will be hard to access food stores to get food. Make sure you have adequate, non-perishable food packed that will keep you going before help arrives.

  1. Tactical watch

A tactical watch with an in-built compass not only shows time but also gives direction. You will therefore know what direction to follow and find rescue.

  1. Binoculars

Binoculars are handy items in any survival situation. Your safety out there will be dependent on the ability to keep a careful watch on what’s happening during the day and night as well. A good pair of compact binoculars will help you see what awaits you in front, whether it’s your fellow survivors or zombies.

  1. Flashlight

You’ll need a high-lumen tactical flashlight to illuminate at dark. Preferably, go for one that’s solar rechargeable and water-resistant as well.

  1. Firearm and Holster

You will want to make sure that you have easy access to your firearm at all times. Look for a holster that’s not only comfortable but also gives you easy access to your firearm.

  1. Good backpack

You’ll need a durable backpack with plenty of space to carry also these items. The backpack should not only be spacious, but also sturdy enough to carry all these items without breaking seams. Built-in hydration backpacks are the best for apocalyptic situations.

No one knows what will happen during the zombie apocalypse, but being ready will help you navigate the situation much better. Always make sure that your apocalypse kit is well stocked and ready to go.

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