Whenever you hit the road, always make sure that you have a roadside emergency kit that is well stocked. Car breakdowns happen and other accidents happen when we least expect it, but having a roadside emergency kit makes all of the difference.
These roadside emergency supplies will not only help keep you safe but can also be potentially lifesaving when you are caught up in an accident. Before you embark on any trip, always make sure that your roadside emergency kit has these supplies well organized.
What Should Be in a Roadside Emergency Kit?
Pack a flashlight with extra batteries in case you get stranded for long and darkness catches up with you. The flashlight will illuminate everything you want to see at night.
Jumper Cables
You might be on the road and your car suddenly stops because of a dead battery. Jumper cables or jump packs are essential for restarting a dead car battery.
Mobile phone car charger
It’s always annoying when your phone’s battery is running low and you are trapped in a car that’s not moving. Having a portable charger inside our roadside emergency kit will let you charge the phone on the go and call for help in case you are trapped.
Emergency roadside devices
Always make sure that you have the lifesaver sign reflective triangles, flares, and LED beacon cans inside your car’s emergency kit. These warning devices increase your car’s visibility to other road users and avoid further accidents from fellow drivers.
First aid kit
A first aid kit is very useful in case you get involved in car accidents. Whether it’s a minor or major car accident, this kit will help stop further blood loss or disinfect small cuts before you get further medical assistance. Make sure that the kit has all the essentials needed to deal with most injuries that might encounter in your vehicle.
Basic toolkit
A basic toolkit with handy tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, duct tape, adjustable wrench, and plastic zip ties is important and these tools can be used in different circumstances to ensure that your car runs smoothly.
Tarp, raincoat, and gloves
When your get pulled over and it starts to rain, these three items will keep you warm and dry until you get help or get your car on the road again.
Rags, paper towels, and pre-moistened wipes
In an event where dirty repairs are needed, rags, wipes, and towels will come in handy when cleaning your hands and any mess inside the car.
If you were on a road trip and you get stuck for hours at a place far from civilization, you, your family members, and pets if any will end up getting hungry. Make sure that high energy-snacks are always packed in your car’s emergency kit especially when you are going for a road trip.
Just like food, water is also important for keeping you hydrated and alert during long road trips. You can also have another bottle of water not for drinking, but for cooling down the engine in case it overheats.
You can now hit the road comfortably and safely with all the items listed above inside your emergency roadside kit. Note that you are not limited to these items only and you can add any other item you’ll find necessary whenever you hit the road.
See Also
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